🌱 Sustainability

Sustainability is not just about the environment. Sustainability is essentially about making a consistent and resolute choice for the long term. It means turning away from easy-to-grasp quick successes, when they clearly undermine the long term. Especially when we deal with the things that are most dear to us.

Milieu, Samenleving en Economie ESG

"If you want to consistently make impact, it is only sustainable if there is an Impact Business model behind it."

🎯 What is an impact business model?

An impact business model focuses on creating positive social and environmental impact through a company's core activities. This goes beyond traditional business models that primarily focus on profit maximization for shareholders. With an impact business model, making a positive impact on society and the environment, is integrated into the business strategy and operations.

Some examples

Energy Efficiency

Companies that offer innovative solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Waste Management and Recycling

Companies that focus on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials.

Envira Gallery  Environmental Models

Transparent Business Practices

Companies that maintain a high level of transparency in their operations and communication.

Ethical Sourcing

Companies that follow ethical guidelines when sourcing their products and services.

Hand Holding Hand Ethics and Transparency Models

Health-Oriented Product/Service

Companies that offer products or services that promote the health and well-being of customers.

Heart Pulse  Healthy Lifestyle Models

Local Economic Development

Companies that contribute to the economic development of the community in which they operate by, for example, sourcing locally and creating jobs.

Fair Trade

Companies that engage in fair trade practices, ensuring that producers in developing countries receive fair prices.

People Group Community-Oriented Models

Employee Ownership

Companies in which employees are co-owners, leading to a more equitable distribution of wealth and responsibility.

Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Companies that actively strive for diversity and inclusivity in their workforce.

People Pulling  Inclusive Economy Models

Return op ESG investering

Return On Impact

There is a strong relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance. It is both an ethical and essential economic consideration to safeguard our future. By integrating sustainability into all aspects of business operations, companies can achieve a long-term return on impact that extends far beyond mere financial gains. Our ROI5 outlines this for you.

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