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Those who harness the power of business to achieve sustainable results can not only count on a positive impact for society and the environment. Cost savings, improved brand reputation, competitive advantages, and a more resilient business model are also part of the package.



Energy Savings

Companies that implement energy-saving measures can save 10-20% on energy costs, according to a report by the International Energy Agency.

Waste Management

A 20-30% reduction in waste management costs can be achieved through recycling and waste reduction, as demonstrated by the European Environment Agency.



Customer Preference

73% of global consumers prefer brands that actively promote sustainability, according to a 2020 Nielsen survey.

Positive Image

87% of consumers have a positive image of companies that are committed to environmental protection, according to a study by Cone Communications.




Companies that integrate sustainability into their strategies report 19% higher innovation rates, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group.

Market Access

5-20% revenue growth can be achieved through sustainable products, providing access to new markets and customer segments, as demonstrated by a study from McKinsey & Company.



Risk Management

Companies with strong sustainability practices demonstrate 20% more resilience in dealing with risks such as climate change and social instability, according to the Global Risk Report by the World Economic Forum.

Supply Chain

A 20% increase in delivery security and reliability is reported by companies that invest in sustainable supply chains, according to research by Deloitte



Healthier Workplaces

A 16% increase in employee satisfaction is reported by companies with sustainable workplace environments, according to a study by Harvard Business Review.

Talent Aquisition

65% of millennials prefer to work for companies that prioritize sustainability, as shown by research from PwC.

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